Cleaning the Earth, Recovering Gold
SRI profitably recovers gold, lithium, copper, zinc, lead, arsenic, silver, and more from abandoned waste rock piles. We do this by removing rocks with toxic sulphides before they leach sulphuric acid and toxic metals into your streams and water tables.

The Technology
Dual Energy X-Ray Transmission technologies allow us to differentiate between rocks based on small fluctuations in density profiles created by the presence of sulphide (or sulfide) minerals. Full scale mobile processing plants can process 100-200 tonnes per hour.
Sulphide minerals break down in the presence of air and water creating sulphuric acid and releasing the metals contained. In many gold projects the rocks containing sulphides also contain the gold. By cleaning up toxic rock piles we are inadvertently creating a high grade waste product that can usually more than pay for the cost of processing and cleanup.

As an arsenic sulphide this mineral releases dissolved arsenic along with sulphuric acid into streams and water tables. Arsenopyrite is commonly found in high grade gold deposit waste piles.

This lead sulphide releases dissolved lead into water with it's sulphuric acid.
Lead has many productive uses if it can be removed safely. Galena is very common in high grade silver deposit waste piles.

The most common sulphide mineral, pyrite is found in most gold and base metals deposits.

Bornite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, pyrrhotite and many others leach acid and metals from old waste rock piles.

100 and 200 tonne per hour sorting plant designs have been proven by our staff at several operations to be effective at removing sulphides and concentrating valuable metals. Sulphides can be treated at pre-existing facilities where valuable metals will be separated for payment, and sulphides will be safely disposed of.
SRI has some of the world's leading experts in crushing screening and ore sorting. The deep pool of engineering and production experience ensures design and operations support will be of the highest standards.
Massive potential
Waste piles from metals mines in British Columbia alone.
Mine rock piles in Canada and the USA
A Trillion USD in untapped local metal value in Can/USA
Additional countries with waste piles
In global potential environmental benefits